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​更新日 2024年11月 16日

What is Yuji Okuma's Individual Online Patent AtoZ Seminar & Consultation Room?

We imagine that there are people out there who want to learn about patents from the very beginning , are unsure whether to apply for one, find similar products being sold on e-commerce sites, or want to know the "10 most common mistakes" made with patents.

Therefore, at the Patent AtoZ Seminar & Consultation Room, we will answer and explain your questions about the means of protecting your technical ideas (patents) and other questions related to patents individually , remotely and online. We have three courses and three series by theme to suit your situation. Of course, please feel free to consult us about other topics as well. The introductory meeting is free of charge.

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Three Features

Tailored to each individual


Tailored to each individual

We will answer your questions and concerns. Since it is "individualized," you can ask any questions you like. We will also develop the program according to your interests and goals.



The event will be held online (through ZOOM), and can be accessed from anywhere in Japan or overseas.


A veteran with 40 years of experience in patents

I have been involved in patents for about 40 years. I would like to share my knowledge of patents with you and use it to help you succeed in your business. Since I am a freelancer, I will answer from a neutral standpoint.


Tailored to each individual


information technology

Patents are a required subject for university students. Patents are necessary for future employment and starting a business.

1500 yen for 30 minutes!!!

We support young people who will lead the future.

Entrepreneurs and university students who are exchanging ideas with people from laboratories and companies will especially need knowledge about patents. Trademark knowledge is also necessary for product names. However, schools do not teach these things. So I will teach them. We will answer questions and requests from university students, high school students, and junior high school students who are interested in patents and intellectual property and want to roughly understand the overall system, or who want to know basic knowledge in preparation for starting their own company someday. The main topics are below. This is an overview of how to proceed with the student remote course. Please send us the background, motivation, purpose, and goals of your question in the contact section below. The more detailed you provide, the easier it will be for us to answer your question. Depending on your question, we will send you links to related media (explanations, articles, materials, explanatory videos, etc. on the web). Next, we will discuss how to proceed on ZOOM. In the process, we will narrow down a certain theme and confirm any points that you would like to know more about (introductory meeting). Up to this point is free. From this point on, we will proceed according to the points we discussed. The fee is 1,500 yen for 30 minutes with a student discount and young support rate. If you are not sure where to start, we also offer a "basic pack". Topics 1-7 are covered in 3 ZOOM sessions (30 minutes each) for 4,000 yen. Examples of main topics are listed at the end. Examples of unusual topics: 1. Why do we need patents in the first place? 2. What if there was no patent system? 3. How much does it cost to get a patent? 4. Can you patent a game program? 5. 10 common mistakes regarding patents 6. Are Japanese patents valid overseas? 7. How can I get a patent overseas? We can also meet your other requests.

Online courses for working adults


For small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs who don't want to fail or regret their patents. First 30 minutes 5,500 yen ~

This course is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises, universities, research institutes, and

関などに所属される個人の方で、特許について基礎知識を集めたい(リスキリング)、あるいは実務的な情報を得たいという方からの質問に回答するコースです。例えば、〇〇〇について専門家に相談したいけど、法律・特許事務所は敷居が高い。あるいは出願する前に注意することを知りたいなど社会人(個人)からの幅広い相談に応えます。主なトッピクス例を、最後に挙げています。 社会人オンラインコースの進め方の概要です。 ご質問の背景、目的、到達目標などを下のお問い合わせに記載してください。詳しく記載することで、こちらからの回答も的を得たものになります。ご質問によっては、関連のリンク、動画(無料)のリンクなどをお伝えできます。 次に、ZOOMで対面して、進め方、関心事項の確認などの打ち合わを行います(イントロミーテイング)。ここまでは無料です。その後は、打ち合わせた内容に従って進めます。 ZOOMによるインタラクティブな説明1回30分5500円より。ただし、調査、分析などが必要となる場合は、別途、内容等によりお見積りします。 ​主なトッピクス例: 学生リモートコースのトッピクス例7つに加えて、 ​8. 特許を取った後はどうする? 9. 日本だけ出願した場合の損得勘定 10.製造方法について特許を出すべきか? 11.特許庁の特許性判断方法 12.海外で効率的に特許をとるには? ​13.模倣品対策 ​その他、ご要望に応じます。

Consultation, SOS, and Corporate Course

Call the support desk

There are already patent-related issues.

Corporations with matters they wish to consult on

First 30 minutes 5,500 yen ~

For any corporation, when problems or issues have already arisen regarding patents and judgments or decisions are required, we will provide advice and support on various means and methods of response, or provide information. For example, 14. Advice before filing a patent application 15. Support for selecting a foreign country to file an application in 16. Analysis and advice on reasons for refusal 17. Reviewing and learning from refusal decisions 18. Support for joining WIPO GREEN (SDGs-related activities) 19. Answering questions about patents from the media and technical writers 20. Advice on creating an in-house intellectual property training syllabus and providing teaching materials (Excluding license and contract creation) This is an overview of how we proceed. Please write the background of your question in the inquiry below. We will contact you by email, etc. For corporations, we will provide an estimate depending on the type and content of the question or request. Example: If there is no prior research or document understanding, we will answer via ZOOM from 5,500 yen for 30 minutes.

This course is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises, universities, etc.

Forest Series

There is a proverb that says "you can't see the trees but the forest." To paraphrase this and "see the trees and the forest," we have prepared the "Forest Series" that goes beyond patent knowledge to provide an overview of people and activities , from inventions and innovation to technological friction between countries (discussions of undisclosed patents) and the United Nations specialized patent agencies.

Forest Camp

Tokkyo no Mori

発明創造、権利化、権利活用のサイクルを知的財産創造サイクルと呼んでいます。このサイクルに沿って特許、知的財産について、俯瞰的に職業、人、組織の関連を中心に説明いたします。権利化手続きを中心に専門書は多くありますが、特許業界、プレーヤーの種類と役割、国間の技術競争などについて、参加者の関心のあるところからスタートし、「特許の世界(森)」をご案内し、参加者が全体をざっくり把握することを目標とします。​下の「お問い合わせ」で、ご連絡ください。料金はZOOMによるインタラクティブ解説1回30分 3300円より。


Patent Examination Forest

When you apply for your idea at the Patent Office, it may happily be accepted (patented) or unfortunately rejected (rejected). This decision is made by a patent examiner. What kind of people are patent examiners? We will also provide an overview of the decision-making procedures that patent examiners follow. We can also provide explanations using examples from the Patent Office's examination guidelines. Please contact us using the "Contact Us" link below. Prices start from 3,300 yen for a 30-minute interactive explanation via ZOOM.

Map of Paris

WIPO Forest

We've heard about WHO a lot in the news during the COVID-19 pandemic, but what about WIPO? For most people, this is the first time they've heard of it. We'll explain what the World Intellectual Property Organization is. It manages the system used when you want to obtain rights for patents, trademarks, etc. in multiple countries. In addition to explaining the international application and rights system, we'll explain the organization, recruitment, multinational environment, and other topics based on your work experience, starting with the areas of interest to you. Please contact us by clicking "Contact Us" below.


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Yuji Okuma

He has been involved in patents for approximately 40 years.

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